It really has been entirely too long since I last posted
about Baylor. The last blog post was not much of an update so this may very
well go on for a while! For sake of understanding where we are this September,
I will drag you back to where we left off the entry before last - right after
giving Baylor antiviral therapy (Vitamin A) in January.
I am going to be very honest with you about her time deep in
her PANS episode (beginning of December until mid-January). I handled that
month and a half about as poorly as I could have. Despair and darkness
completely overwhelmed me and I literally cried more in that time frame than I
have total in my entire life. I lost my focus on God’s character and faithfulness
and the fear was all consuming. God lovingly gave Stephen the words to explain
to me what I was allowing to happen in my spiritual life and what I needed to
do about it. Humbling to say the least. I promise this is important to her
update just bear with me! So I took my doubt and my brokenness to our forgiving
Father and the all-day crying and hopelessness vanished and He restored my
soul. I cannot say I passed the test well at all but I learned a lot from it. I
may have gotten a D- on that trial but what I learned will not be taken away
from me and I will use it for the rest of my life.
Upon my return to entrusting Him fully with Baylor, He
brought my attention to a passage in James. Verses 13-15 say, “Is anyone among
you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone
among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray
over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of
faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has
committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James is one of my favorite books and I
have read it quite a few times but never remembered this. Short term memory is
what I am best at, sadly. My first thought after reading this was, “Where are
we going to do this?” Stephen and I had not found another church close by we
desired to be at and my heart kept tugging at me to mention to him that we
should take her to the elders at Grace Chapel. We were not attending at the
time but Stephen agreed that we should ask them.
Contacting a church we were not members of much less not
attending to ask them if they would pray over our daughter seemed odd. We were
involved with Grace until Baylor kept getting sick all of the time and we found
it best to keep her out of the childcare. We had been out of the church building
for 3 years. I was not sure what Grace would say to my request but as the
saying goes, luck would have it (even though I don’t believe in luck I believe God
orchestrates), the church was having a healing service the following Tuesday,
February 18. The most amazing pastor, Ron, talked with me about our situation and I
explained everything to him and he did not have any reluctance in including
Baylor in this service.
This was about a month after we had given her Vitamin A,
which drastically helped her but did not take away all her visual
disturbances/seizures. It lessened it quite a bit but did not eradicate them. I
scheduled a neurology appointment because of the seizures but could not get in
to Vanderbilt Children’s until early September. Good thing they were not grand
mal seizures, as that is an exceptionally long wait. Our doctor saw Baylor in January and believed
as we did that those visual disturbances were seizures. Eyes rolling back, eye
flutters, long blank stares, involuntary arm and leg movements while this was
happening, the works. They never lasted long at all but disturbing to say the
least. Back to the service.
We really did not know what to expect except we were
following God’s direction and bring our daughter to Him. The pastor I spoke
with prayed over Baylor and anointed her with oil. We left that evening and put
our girls to bed. The next day when I went to get them up, which rarely happens
as they need very little sleep to get their systems going at full tilt, Baylor
had thrown up overnight. How strange, my little is really not a puker. She did
not seem sick at all the next day. She ate just fine and went about her business.
I remembered that I had read that vomiting can be a healing reaction. Could it
be she has been healed of something? After a week or so I noticed that I had
not noticed any seizures. She was not on any medications at the time as we were
on a break for her liver health. I am thinking, “Did He do it? Did He take away
her seizures?” Maybe it is too soon to tell. I may not be ready to let this cat
out of the bag without tangible proof. I am already looked at like I am a few
sheets in the wind crazy so maybe I should wait a bit.
I get that call to remind me of my upcoming appointment with
Vanderbilt neurology and I am really thinking we should just skip it. I think
she is healed so why bother. Then I thought about the proof for everybody else.
The proof would be a clean EEG. Poor baby, we held that girl down and strapped
all kinds of wires to her head and made her lie still for an hour. If you know
anything about my kids you know they can barely hold still two minutes, much
less an hour. She fought like Mike Tyson while hooking her up, but she did a
great job of being calm and lying still once she was all hooked up and wrapped like a mummy. That was grace from above for sure.
The next morning I get two calls from Vanderbilt right in a
row that I missed. I call them back and leave a message. Finally the phone tag
stops and they tell me she has a very clear EEG! No signs of seizures. Here I
have some tangible proof that my God, the One True God, heals. How amazing is
that?! How beautiful to be shown such mercy and love!
What is also wonderful is this new journey we started in May.
I mentioned before that we were considering homeopathy and God just made it
clear to Stephen and I that we should go down that road. I had done a very
small amount of research in the past on homeopathy and have read a few names from some other
warrior parents over a year ago and the one God brought to my mind was Rudi. Without hardly any
research but God’s peace we start Heilkunst with a guy with a big reputation
out of Canada.
Then I started to look into what we were actually doing.
Energetic medicine is the second leading form of medicine used worldwide.
What a ride this has been! I am not going to give too many details about it but
we are watching it work!
She has been making some great gains and we are in awe
of this new venture. Everything the office sends us we pray over before we give
to her. We then sit back and watch her go through the remedies and have her
healing reactions (negative physical reactions that are temporary, much like
the time she vomited after her anointing except sometimes it is wild behavior
or a rash, etc.) and watch her make gains. They suggested I get treated alongside her
as this is an energetic form of medicine and we affect each other. We plan to
add the rest of the King crew to this healing modality but for now I experience
a good bit of what Baylor does. Ainsley
is even getting in on some of the reactions and she is not even being treated! Our
experiences are not exact as we are very different people but for me it is
really nice to experience some of what she has to go through. That girl is a trooper.
Baylor is enjoying her dance class, open gymnastics play,
afternoon school, most of her therapy sessions, church and outside play. She
loves music, trains, dirt, numbers and playing on her iPad. She is an absolute
joy and loves her family, especially her sister as she is the only name she
will say after her I love you response. Please keep praying for her and us as
we help her achieve the best she so deserves. He hears us and answers. We love
you all!
Team Baylor
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