Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chelating and School

Goodness, a lot has happened since I last blogged. Baylor just finished round 10 of Andy Cutler protocol for  the chelation of heavy metals, and she started a new school that happens to be where Ainsley goes. We had a fun little family birthday party for Baylor and then we had Christmas. Poor girl was sick over Christmas so we did not get any good pictures :( We still enjoyed the decorations, music, family, new toys and of course making cookies and birthday goodies for Jesus. Because we had so many illnesses over the past couple of months we did not get to chelate as often as we had hoped.

We are only chelating with one supplement called ALA because the other we want to use lowers her ability to fight off illness. Hopefully we can add that DMSA in soon. As far as improvements go we have really seen some gains! Baylor used to yell at me a whole lot and that has really calmed down some as she has progressed in the independent phase of her little life. I used to have to carry her everywhere we went and now she will walk in and out of places with me holding my hand and climbing out of the car all by herself. This has been a really nice change. Baylor requests a lot of her basic needs without prompting a good bit of the time. Sometimes she struggles getting the words out until she hears you say them but she is at least attempting to communicate. With this, she is also paying more attention to what it is we are trying to say to her.

This really helps with her teachers and her ABA therapists. They have been noticing she sits well for tasks at school and at home even if she does not like them. Which is big, because she likes things her way and will protest if you are not obliging her. Teachers and therapists also report she is transitioning between preferred activities and non preferred activities so much better than she used to. That is a good change for both caregivers and girlfriend.  Bay repeats words and new phrases almost every day. It is a beautiful thing to listen to her words and watch her engage.

Baylor is engaging us and her world a little more each week and we could not be happier. She is responding to hellos in stores and accepting major change in routine, generally speaking. She just got in her new big girl bed and has had absolutely no issues that we were not dealing with before. Bay does not calm herself down well. She never has. So at 2:00 a.m. when she wakes herself up thanks to sleep patterns, she does not go back to sleep until about 5:00 a.m. So if you see us, you may notice we are a bit sleep deprived. If she is improving, we will deal with anything :)

She is happier, plays better, pays more attention, interacts more with people and is working on words. We have a ways to go but for all He has done,  to God be all the glory!

On a totally separate note, we have not made our personal lives readily open for the public. However, we just went through a very personal, very difficult weekend.We were expecting another baby and we lost him at the same stage we did with Ezri. Eerily at 17 1/2 weeks. The best group of high risk doctors in middle Tennessee are baffled by our history. I was told that I am "not textbook" and many appointments are in the future to try to put together what has been going on. God is a God of only goodness and righteousness and we know that all things work to the good for those who love God (Romans 8:28). We look forward to finding the beautiful and the good in what we have been experiencing. Our son was perfectly formed, beautiful hands and feet, and we named him Parker Blumberg King. January 19, 2013. We know our family will be united one day but while the rest of our family is here we will keep fighting through the rough and persevere until the end with the guidance of our Savior. 

We appreciate your prayers and your support. Thank you for the love you show our family.

Many blessings,
Team Baylor

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great post, Catherine. God bless you , Baylor, Ainsley and Stephen.
