Friday, April 26, 2013

It is Well

What an amazing little girl we have. Well, we have two amazing little girls. How blessed are we? The one is the best older sibling a little girl in a big strange world could have, and the younger sees the joy from her chaotic viewpoint of the world we all live in. And man, does she love her big sister. Ainsley has been nothing but calmly patient, consistent in engaging and proud in Bay's progress. Baylor loves to sit behind her on the couch every morning and watch her play Lego Batman before school, climbs in bed with her in the morning instead of getting in bed with us, cannot stand to be on the trampoline without her among others. Our family sure has had a rough go the last few years but we have been immensely blessed with love. Not only from each other, but from friends, family and most importantly our Savior, Healer and Prince of Peace (among many other wonderful names He's proved Himself true on). Honestly, I have never been so peaceful in my life than I am now.

God has blessed us with some breathtaking moments lately. We are currently on Round 20. It feels like a nice round number, a small indentation on this journey we are on. This week alone our baby has gone from singing only Twinkle Twinkle to one I could not recognize when I picked her up from school, Old McDonald, Wheels on the Bus and the hand motions to get me to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider. Her socialization is getting better, too. In case you all were not aware, the two biggest issues for ASD kiddos is communication and socialization. It is just so hard on them. They process the world and all that is in it so differently than you and I. I would love a day in her shoes so I could be a better mom. She has enjoyed her friend Andrew and attempts some to play games with him and have him join her on the trampoline and while she plays at her dollhouse. This is really great stuff!  She also has responded to requests in the negative, "I don't want to." Heck yeah, I will take your attitude if you use words! She wanted to leave 5 minutes after we got home the other day and stood by the car and yelled at me. I asked if she wanted to take a ride and she nodded her head yes. She has done the head nod 'no' for a while now. I like the yes. So I burned gas for an hour. My little likes change of scenery.

This love for change in routine has helped in her new transition to speech therapy. She started twice a week this past week with a woman I am convinced was hand picked by God for Bay. She has 30 years of experience and a fabulous laugh and a background compatible with a new therapy Stephen and I will be traveling in June to learn about so we can help her more at home. So currently she gets some speech and occupational therapy at school 4 mornings a week, speech 2 times a week and ABA 2 to 3 sessions a week. We are still doing the gluten free/many other things free diet as well as supplements. We are working hard to get legislation passed so all our kids can get therapy covered because right now most families with a kid on the spectrum are having a hard time because we get no coverage. When each hour is b/t $40-80 depending on the therapy, you can imagine what a strain this is. I could talk about this discriminatory crap forever but I will spare you.

I will leave you with the update that hope is alive and well here, God has blessed us and will continue to. One day at a time, one fabulous moment at a time. Expect God's goodness and He will strengthen you as you wait. We love your prayers and support and I will try to update more than quarterly. No promises :) 

Much love from Team Baylor in TN ~

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