Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today Baylor, Stephen and I went to Vanderbilt’s Kennedy Center in Nashville to meet with the Director of the TRIAD division for a diagnosis. I will give you a quick run-down on the diagnosis game. The medical book that is used is called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for mental disorders, or the “Bible” (for lack of better terms) for mental diagnosis. These are updated and changed fairly regularly. Right now autism carries a few different titles, but all fall under the autism spectrum.  There is Autism with different levels of severity, Asperger’s, Sensory Processing Disorder and PDD-NOS. Some psychologists still use these labels, but the DSM is about to change and scoop all these forms of autism under one condition called Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD). Baylor was diagnosed with autism as that is the only diagnosis the doctor gives and provides the best means for services. It also makes her not need to be re-diagnosed when the change takes place. Basically she fell on the spectrum so he calls it autism.   I am pretty confident that the word autism will morph slowly into ASD when they change over the books. So, if you hear us use it, that’s why.

Basically, we knew going in that Baylor fell on the spectrum, so a diagnosis is really a formality and helps with getting her qualified for therapy and helps insurance pay for her services. Also, with a diagnosis, she is entitled to a lot from her school district well before and during elementary school.  We are blessed to be in Williamson County, as they provide top notch amenities for kids with disabilities.  The school provides Occupational and Speech therapy as well as an Applied Behavioral Therapist (ABA) in her inclusive classroom setting (kids of all abilities). Right now Baylor is in a program that provides her with school, and her therapies. The doctor did say that with her diagnosis, she should be able to qualify for an ABA therapist and that’s about all we need to do other than what we have been doing. I would like to note some of the great things he said to us about Baylor and her future.

One of the greatest things we were told is that she only shows half of what autistic kids typically present. They were so impressed with her motor skills and they believe she did not really need the Occupational therapy, except that like I had figured, she gets extra time to work on verbal skills and social interaction. Those are the two of her areas that present on the spectrum. Since she is trying to use words and gestures to get us to do what she wants, they believe the ABA therapist will really help pull her into much better communication. Her age was another big deal. The doctor was really happy that for her age we have been doing so much for her already. He told us that the children with the best trajectory for success looked like Baylor. Sadly, he mentioned that she was more the minority of where kids are when they step through their doors. We just have to make sure we give her good intense therapy to give her the best chance of success. He mentioned that kids presenting like her were the ones who (not a guarantee but very likely) could get to kindergarten/first grade needing little to no help. That’s the hope that we have focused on and the peace that we have been given. It’s really nice to hear this from a head psychologist and our MD that have over 3 decades of practice in them that Baylor’s future looks really good.We are so incredibly blessed!

Where do we go from here? He’d love intense, in-home ABA and if possible more school. Alright! We are also looking for some headphones for Baylor’s music therapy we are wanting her to start. It’s almost impossible to find the headphones used online. If you all know of anyone that’s in music therapy or has gone through it and they have some we could buy, please let us know! They are called Sennheiser HD500 A. These headphones distort CD’s that make pathways from one side of the brain to the other and it has shown to help in all aspects of autism. We hope to start this soon!

Back to the ears, we are scheduled for tubes in early May. When we know the exact date, we will let you know (probably through Facebook) and ask for your prayers!

We hope you can see God’s hand in all of this, because not only can we see it, but we feel it. Life is so much better lived in dependence on Him.  Please keep praying!! Much love from the Kings J

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Heavy Metals

Last week we had 3 doctor appointments, 4 therapy sessions, 2 days of school and 4 playdates. We have been busy! Our first appointment with our amazing doctor revealed that our sweet little girl has really high levels of certain toxins in her body. She is high in Barium, Cesium, Aluminum, Nickel, Lead, Thallium, and Tin. She is slightly high in Mercury. Ok, so have we been bathing her in toxic baths every night or what? Basically the doctor thinks that the environment (water, food, shots, etc.) is too much on some children’s systems and they can’t properly detox. So it is time for Baylor to detox some more. The HBOT was a detox and has helped a ton, but now we are moving on to chelation therapy. We will be giving her 3 days of a chelator called DSMA and the following 11 days with her supplements.

DSMA will bind the toxic metals that are in her cells and pull them out through her urine. They also take a few good things but that’s what the partner minerals will replenish. We will start this tomorrow and have her retested in about 2 months. This chelator cannot cross the blood/brain barrier so it is considered very safe. This therapy has helped a lot of children, but for some it doesn’t make any difference. Our doctor has used this therapy a lot and we are really trusting in his experience and advice. Not to mention God really brought this doctor to us before we ever knew we needed him. So we are very much trusting in this path God brought before our family. We will commit this therapy to Him and we will see if it works for Baylor! Please be praying that it does!

I have to document Baylor’s improvements for a minute. Just today she got upset with me for not giving her Easter candy to her for lunch and threw a mighty big fit in the kitchen. I picked her up and sat her on my lap and she yelled then pointed at the Easter baskets, patted her chest a few times and said “need, need,need!!!” I know that may not sound like much, but she was communicating with more than one gesture and words!!!One of our biggest struggles is communication and she really tried hard to tell me she wanted her candy! I was so excited! Also, she is trying to play around Ainsley (which ticks Ainsley off when she’s trying to do art) and do what she is doing….normal stuff! Oh, and did I mention she pee-peed on her little potty? I’m so not going to push that right now, but I told her that’s what you do on it an she did it! I can ask her for a kiss and she’ll come up and kiss me. She is really understanding what is going on (and throwing some serious fits if we try to thwart her plans). Girlfriend is a walking disaster. If it can be spilled, thrown, squirted (think liquid bathroom soap as she opens drawers and climbs on the counters), drawn on (walls and floors), or dump out the water from the bathtub, she is going to do it. Non-stop. All day every day. Don’t come over and wonder why my house isn’t clean. Now you know. We are over-joyed at her progress.  These shots are well worth it!

Her ENT appointment went well, and we haven’t gotten total confirmation yet but we are pretty sure tubes are in her near future. We had her hearing tested and she is within normal range, yay! We figured this as she will respond to Veggie Tales music from the other side of the house but ignore you when you try to re-direct her. Feisty little thing. Our next appointment is a week from Tuesday at Vanderbilt for a diagnosis. We will let you know what that diagnosis not long after we receive it.  Please pray for that appointment, as well.

I believe I will end there for now.  This month is Autism Awareness month and I encourage you to just do a few minutes of research and educate yourself a little. I didn’t know a fraction of what I know now before Baylor’s onset. Just Google "autism", or go to www.tacanow.org.

God is faithful and we are joyful in the wait and grateful in the blessings He's been giving our family! Happy Easter! He's risen and alive and He still moves stones!