Saturday, February 11, 2012

Methyl B-12

This autism-spectrum thing is a bit of a "next step" piece of work. What I mean is that we work on one major supplement or therapy at a time to find out what works and what doesn't. Nothing is a guarantee. What works for one child may not work for another. Trial and error keeps you on your toes. As if having a toddler did not do this in and of itself!

Methyl B-12 is considered an amazing piece of the healing puzzle for pulling kids up and some out of the autism spectrum. This is not an overnight process. If it works, it starts showing results in as little as 2 months and moves on from there. We are looking at years. But this supplement given by syringe every 3 days for up to 3 years has done amazing things for the majority of children on the spectrum. Let me back up a second.

Autism is defined so many ways right now. The people who write the books on how humans are diagnosed, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), are working on changing it as we speak. So who knows what will happen in the future but as for now autism is a spectrum of behavioral issues that get their definition based on how your child's issues present. Some children are flat out considered autistic, while some still have autistic symptoms but are classified as Asperger's or have Pervasive Developmental Delay Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).  There are others, but I am not proficient in all the diagnostics (or any of this for that matter!) so I will only tell you what I know and if you'd like to know more you can go find it :) But back to Methyl B-12.

Children on the spectrum have made continued life improvements while on this supplement. For some, a negative set of effects and they did not continue. A vast majority swear by it. We had started Baylor on this supplement in the sublingual form back in December. We saw huge improvements back then, but we were also giving her oxygen therapy so we don't know if it was oxygen or the sublingual tablets or a combination. This shot form is supposed to be a lot more effective than the tablets, so we are very hopeful that God will use this to help catch Baylor up and help pull her out of falling anywhere on the spectrum. There are many other supplements and possibly prescriptions along with therapies we continue along side these shots.

Some of the side effects sound fun.....sleep cycle disturbances (as if that were not already an issue), hyperactivity (check this box, too), that kind of thing. Some can get aggressive but that one is not widely reported. These can last up to 6 months. So if we seem like we are not getting any sleep, we probably are not. If it helps her, it is worth every inconvenience and dark under-eye circle.

We started these shots Friday night. Um, I'm not a nurse. Most of you reading this know a little bit about my personality ;) I absolutely love nurses, but if the world was made up of a bunch of me, we'd have none. I had to read articles by doctors and watch a youtube video and then inject my child with a needle. Terrifying. The shots go up under the skin, not in the muscle, but she is not exactly a still child. My heart almost came out of my chest but we got through it with the help of a lot of prayer and a chocolate cookie. We came through it with no tears and freaking out only by me.

We have already seen such amazing improvement, we are so blessed! It may be age 4 or 5, 8 or 10 when she is healed but we fully believe God is going to heal her. He has amazing things planned and we get to ride this roller coaster securely, thankfully and peacefully in the arms of Jesus. Please keep Baylor in your prayers, as God moves and will continue to move.

So off we go on the Methyl B-12 trip...........


  1. Thanks so much for posting about Baylor and her progress! Love you guys! Give her a great big ole hug from me! Praying for you all!

    1. Thanks for reading and praying! We love you! Many blessings, sweet sister :)

  2. Praying for you everyday! So proud of your progress! Love and Miss you lots!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. That means a lot! Love and miss you, too. Come see us soon!

  3. We are praying for you, your family, and for sweet Baylor! I have a nephew who is literally living proof of God's amazing healing. God is amazing. Thank you for posting.

    1. Thank you, Whitney! We LOVE prayers! So happy about your nephew :) God is absolutely amazing!!
